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Changing Trends in Marketing Communications

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Marketing communication technologies are getting smarter and reach us in different ways we have never expected to be reached. In a world of attention, the very well known saying “Money makes the wo ...

Marketing of Pharmaceutical Products in India

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The growth of Indian pharmaceutical industry from the time of independence has been spectacular and is a shining example of the country’s achievements in an area that is highly intensive in science an ...

CRM implementation in inbound Contact Center: Issues and Challenges

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Раздел: CRM
Язык: Русский
Customer relationship management (CRM) is a concept that has been giving opportunity to both internal and external customers of an organization in exploring critical information. The contact center is ...

Performance of Coffee Farmers Marketing Cooperatives

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Cooperative members’ expectations about the types and quality of services that should be offered and their criteria for performance of services have a major impact on the level of satisfaction or dis ...

Event as the Promotional Tool of Place Marketing

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This book presents two concepts – place marketing and event marketing. Theoretical knowledge within these concepts is not widely spread, they are usually examined separately but not together. A lot of ...