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Environment Friendly Automobiles
Раздел: Маркетинг. Общие вопросы
Язык: Русский
Consumers have become highly environmentally conscious. This is especially reflected in their practices of eco-friendly utilization of resources. From companies’ perspective; it has become vital to cl ...
Branding Customers as King! Bull Shit
Раздел: Брендинг
Язык: Русский
Customer service is bad all over. Many companies you go they tell you about customer care policies and their focus on customer satisfaction. Faced with bad attitudes from the people who sell them good ...
Internet Usage and Internet Advertising
Раздел: Маркетинг. Общие вопросы
Язык: Русский
Internet advertising is a very fast growing area which is providing companies a new channel of communication that can create closer yet more cost effective relationships with customers in sales, marke ...
Harry Potterization
Раздел: Маркетинг. Общие вопросы
Язык: Русский
This book looks at “Harry Potterization” through the lens of Malcolm Gladwell’s Tipping Point: How Little Things Make a Big Difference. The implications of Tipping points are highlighted to develop th ...
Customer Relationship Management in Public Sector Banks
Раздел: Общий менеджмент
Язык: Русский
Any business firm’s success is fundamentally based upon the satisfaction of the needs of the customers. The business strategy of a company needs to be customer centric. CRM is the business strategy wh ...