
Child Sex, Bacha Bazi and Prostitution in Afghanistan

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Every month, hundreds of Afghan children, women and unemployed young men are kidnapped, imprisoned or trafficked to international market and local prostitution industry. In Pakistan and Afghanistan, w ...

Mass Media Communication

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The task of assigning appropriate nomenclature for the discipline of media and communication has been debatable. In America and some countries, the term ‘mass communication’ is being used to describe ...

The NGOs and Women's Empowerment

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This study has tried to explore the relation between NGOs and Women Empowerment. It is a holistic concept. It is multi-dimensional approach and it covers social, political, and economic aspects. Of al ...

Social Entrepreneurship in Action: Gered Gereedschap Case

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The study examined Gered Gereedschap (GG) case in view of social entrepreneurship venture. Social entrepreneurship is a field where individuals referred to as social entrepreneurs come up with innovat ...

Communication Strategies for Competitive Advantage

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This book informs the global village the constraints Small Business Enterprises (SBEs) face and strive to overcome in the competitive business sector by employing communication strategies in order to ...
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