The NGOs and Women's Empowerment

The NGOs and Women's Empowerment
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Язык: Русский
This study has tried to explore the relation between NGOs and Women Empowerment. It is a holistic concept. It is multi-dimensional approach and it covers social, political, and economic aspects. Of all these facets of women’s development, social and economic empowerment is of utmost significance in order to achieve a lasting and sustainable development of society. This study focused the NGO's perception of women empowerment as well as to assess the role of NGOs towards women empowerment. The NGOs are supporting the rural women with micro credit. It understood that no development can be possible without women development.Therefore, The findings of the study show that before getting membership of the NGOs, 4% women were involved in the business activities in the studied area; 34% was not involved; 62% women was not any idea. When they achieved membership of the NGO then few month later shown that 50% women joined the business activities; 30% not involved and 20% women had no business idea.Hence, women engagement in the business activities is increased 50% from 4% involvement before.So, it can help to researcher and student who are interested about that.


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