
The Palestinian Refugees Plight -Time To End The Tragedy

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The final settlement of the Palestinian refugees and the end of their suffering is still the most intense dimension of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The question of settling the refugees’ dimensio ...

Provisions And Practices Of Making Student Aware On Climate Change

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Climate change threatens the broader sustainable development agenda to reduce poverty and child mortality, ensure universal primary education for all children and enhance gender equality.This ...

A CDA of the coverage of operation “Restore Order” by Zimbabwe's media

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On May 16 2006 the government of Zimbabwe embarked on a clean-up programme of urban centres, destroying informal human settlements and informal businesses. This operation, which the government called ...

Talking Journalism, Media, and Mass Communication

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This modern book ‘Talking Journalism, Media, & Mass Communication,’ is loaded with research essays by Journalism & Communication graduate students. It has 6 chapters on: internet, reality TV, radio ta ...

Media Focus In Afghanistan News Coverage

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This study explored the Media Focus in Afghanistan News Coverage to examine what categories of Afghanistan-related news received the largest amount of coverage during periods from 2010 to 2012. This s ...
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