
Forest Fringe Livelihoods at the Edge of Deforestation in Ghana

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Research and policy on deforestation has often asserted it as “evil” because of the long term environmental implications for sustainable development evident in global warming, biodiversity loss and so ...

Deontology of Opinion between Ethics and Rhetoric

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Opinions cannot express Truth, as they are not cognitive enunciations, subjectively associated with certainty (C1). Opinions can only tell about what "seems to be true", but is only Verisimilar or Non ...

Бурятская этносфера

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Монография посвящена исследованию современного бурятского социокультурного пространства, подразумевающего наличие национальных границ, маркируемых многообразными вербальными и невербальными символ ...

Web Portals of DLIS in Maharashtra

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The present society is passing through the information explosion. Information is available in print and non print media such as books, periodicals, newspapers, compact discs, photograph records, films ...

Communicating Sustainable Development Issues Volume Two

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This book ‘Communicating Sustainable Development Communication Issues(Volume Two),’ has current research journal-type of articles which are interesting to read. It has six chapters on women, developme ...
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