
Newswriting and Reporting for Africa

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Newswriting and Reporting for Africa is an output of years of experience as a Journalist, Public Relations Practitioner and Lecturer in Polytechnic and University spanning over 15 years. The book is d ...

Knowledge as the Victim of Negotiation

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"…power produces knowledge….; that power and knowledge directly imply one another; that there is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge, nor any power knowledge ...

Enhancing Social Capital, Local Economy and Environment

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Improvements to housing, infrastructure and physical environmental conditions have been the focus of previous approaches adopted to tackle the issues in deprived communities. However, such methods hav ...

Establishing acceptable “rules of engagement” to encourage young

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The need to engage with young fathers is increasingly a key theme in central and local government research, policy and practice. Young fathers are usually defined by service providers as male parents ...

Sense of Efficacy in Implementing Social Studies Curriculum

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Social Studies, as a subject in the JHS curriculum in Ghana, is taught mostly by diploma teachers from the country’s thirty-eight public Colleges of Education and graduates from other tertiary institu ...
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