The Palestinian Refugees Plight -Time To End The Tragedy

The Palestinian Refugees Plight -Time To End The Tragedy
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Язык: Русский
The final settlement of the Palestinian refugees and the end of their suffering is still the most intense dimension of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The question of settling the refugees’ dimension of the conflict between Israel and Palestine has been placed in the heart of the Oslo Agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). It is therefore, re-addressing the Palestinian refugees’ issues including their scope and history; their loss of property and uprooting complexity; modalities of implementing their ‘right to return’; and determining the scope and mode of compensation for their loss, are central to the search for a solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. By the end of the war in 1949 and the conclusion of separate Armistice Agreements between Israel on one hand and Jordan, Egypt and Syria, on the other, some 800,000 Palestinians were forcefully uprooted from their homes and scattered in various places in Palestine and other surrounding countries away from their homes. In December 1948 the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 194 (III) of December 1948 concerning the right of the Palestinian refugees to return to their home in Palestin


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