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Virus(es)Infecting Prunus spp.:Characterization and Diversity Analysis
Язык: Русский
In India Horticultural exports contribute about 8 per cent in total agricultural exports. This calls for efficient health certification, production and marketing strategies. Significant development ha ...
Bio-Fertilization For Rice And Residual Effect On Sequent Crop
Язык: Русский
To accommodate the world’s expanding population, which is projected to double by 2050, an ever-increasing production of food crops will be necessary. This must be achieved primarily by increasing prod ...
Differential Rate Fertilizer Applicator: Design and Evaluation
Язык: Русский
Broadcasting of fertilizer leads to the loss of 30 – 40% of nutrients though surface runoff. Band placement of fertilizer in root zone increases the nutrient uptake by plants thereby increasing fertil ...
Climate Change and its Implication in Agriculture
Язык: Русский
Climate change is the global issue at present. Assessing the local impact of climate change is essential to plan coping strategy. The study prioritized the potential impacts, climatic hazards and ide ...
Herbage Mass Estimation in relation to Yak-crossbred Milk Properties
Язык: Русский
A study was conducted in Olang Chung Gola VDC of Taplejung district, Nepal during June, 2010 to November, 2010 to determine the Chauri milk yield and its properties in relation to available herbage ma ...