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Single and Multi User Data communication in Wire-less Environment

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Язык: Русский
This dissertation mainly deals with the communication in both Single and Multi user environment. On usage is carried out this simulation of Wireless LAN, which highlights various aspects that happen ...

Статика корабля

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Язык: Русский
Настоящий учебник написан в соответствии с програм-мами курсов «Статика корабля» и «Теория корабля», читаемых студентам кораблестроительных ВУЗов и фа-культетов по направлению «Кораблестроение и морск ...

Emission and Performance Test on Motorcycles

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Язык: Русский
The negative consequences of “global warming” are being experienced by the people across the world. The emissions content from automobiles go on gaining more shares in the contribution of global warmi ...

Estimating Corridor Travel Time Using Point and Probe Detector Data

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Язык: Русский
“Accurate estimation of travel time is increasingly important for transportation system operators. Travel times are estimated indirectly by using instantaneous speeds from point detectors (e.g., induc ...

A Foray into Advanced Nuclear Turbine Propulsion System for Aircrafts

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Язык: Русский
This book has been written within the framework of the IAEA’s innovative reactor and fuel cycle technology development activities. It elucidates the role that peaceful air & space related nuclear powe ...
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