Single and Multi User Data communication in Wire-less Environment

Single and Multi User Data communication in Wire-less Environment
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Язык: Русский
This dissertation mainly deals with the communication in both Single and Multi user environment. On usage is carried out this simulation of Wireless LAN, which highlights various aspects that happen in communication when more than one user gets involved. Bluetooth, IEEE802.11 standard uses these models to enable different usage models from networking to cable replacement. Implementation of these usage models and issues specific to Bluetooth protocol and IEEE802.11 protocol stack embedded into operating systems framework in order to ensure seamless integration. Simulation of the situation is using MATLAB software. In the centuries, communication was basically wired communication with the advent of Electromagnetic waves and different Modulation Techniques it shifted to wireless environment. The introduction of various digital techniques has made communication predominantly digital. These days’ computers are being widely used to process digital data. Today, Communication enters our daily lives in so many different ways that it is easy to overlook the multitude of its facets.


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