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Ministry Burnout in the church faced by HIV and AIDS

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Язык: Русский
This book is about the impact of HIV and AIDS on Ministers in their church work. The growth of HIV and AIDS epidemic has impact on all areas of life. All people are affected, including church workers. ...

Bereavement and the Church

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Язык: Русский
This study seeks to give a cross-cultural presentation of the church’s role in supporting people who are bereaved. It takes place within a specific church context in Norway and Kenya respectively. The ...

Destined For Greatness

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Язык: Русский
This masterpiece mirrors greatness as the result of the operating system by which the mind functions.At the core of every soul is implanted the seed of greatness. But the fact that all were born great ...

The Post-Second Vatican Council’s Vision for Evangelization

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Язык: Русский
The Second Vatican Council’s recovery of the Catholic Church’s commitment to its missionary vocation towards the world places upon the succeeding generations of Roman Catholics the responsibility to i ...

Красиво шить не запретишь!

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Язык: Русский
Вы сможете сшить футболку с застежкой поло, чтобы полоски красиво совместились по всем швам? А стильную складную экосумку с застежкой на кнопки? Может, вам хочется подготовиться к рождению малыша и на ...
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