Ministry Burnout in the church faced by HIV and AIDS

Ministry Burnout in the church faced by HIV and AIDS
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This book is about the impact of HIV and AIDS on Ministers in their church work. The growth of HIV and AIDS epidemic has impact on all areas of life. All people are affected, including church workers. Ministers are affected the most. Many ministers are affected without noticing, which erodes them, leaving them empty. The challenge is that the ministers’ needs are not attended.Churches are encountering problems in the face of HIV, especially ministering to the church members who are affected by and infected with HIV. The ministers are not coping with ministry burnout which may be a result of ministering to people suffering with HIV and those dying of AIDS. The challenge of addressing burnout in the Lutheran church is great because the structure has not yet considered the care for ministers, especially as they face the HIV and AIDS pandemic.There are coping strategies which ministers and the church can use and develop to cope with burnout. Ministers have unstructured support, which is not balanced, or no support, which results in exhaustion and inability to function pastorally. An unbalanced support means an unhealthy minister, emotionally, spiritually and physically.


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