Кадры. Офис. Делопроизводство

Individualised Professional Development

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Whenever we think about professional development we often think about groups, and rarely about individuals, despite the fact that groups are made up of individuals. What we experience in a group is no ...

A Science Classroom Activity Schedule

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Systematic observation is a potent means of observing and recording classroom behaviours from which the appraisal of teacher vis-a-vis his efforts in the classroom could be done. Most instruments de ...

Experiences of Families Who Care for Respiratory-Dependent Children

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The current trend in healthcare is to discharge RD children from hospital as soon as their conditions are stabilised. Phenomenological in its design and using qualitative methodologies, this book expl ...

Data Mining and its Applications in Distance Education

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Язык: Русский
Open educational institutions require a platform of MIS and DSS in order to provide better learning support, as today the “knowledge” that the society demands is with more interactivity, more ...

Pupils’ Perceptions of Good Teachers

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Язык: Русский
Teachers touch the lives of pupils throughout their professional careers. Teachers inspire and motivate pupils to enhance their hidden potential and to achieve success in their lives. “Pupils’percepti ...
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