Individualised Professional Development

Individualised Professional Development
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Язык: Русский
Whenever we think about professional development we often think about groups, and rarely about individuals, despite the fact that groups are made up of individuals. What we experience in a group is not only the sum of the idiosyncrasies of the individuals in the group, but a host of intermingling factors that come into play whenever a group meets. While it may be more cost effective to host professional development that caters for groups, there are numerous advantages to be derived from individualised professional development. This book therefore seeks to share some of the experiences that three of my faculty members had with individualised professional development. You’ll read of humorous stories, sad stories, happy stories, not so happy stories and many more that would leave you transfixed with wonder, amused with laughter or simply silent. Moreover, you’ll learn that one experience may be perceived in different ways by different individuals. Oftentimes, it’s all about perception and circumstances. Travel with me along this exciting journey as we explore tried-and-tested methods that you will find useful in your professional practice.


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