Probing the Privacy Policy: Retorts & Encounters

Probing the Privacy Policy: Retorts & Encounters
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The purpose of this work was to investigate how different is a user`s and a service provider’s point of view about understandability, technicality, importance and awareness of privacy policy. The emerging ambiguity in information security has raised many privacy and trust issues that are context dependent. Therefore there are several uncertainties and risks seen today concerning the privacy policy & subscriber trust. It is a responsibility of services providers before amending their policy to notify their subscribers. Because if they do not take this initiative then it creates trust deficit for their subscribers and this affects their business and goodwill. In this work we have adopted the online survey questionnaire technique to perform a research based on the user’s ideas and thoughts about the privacy policy and security issues. We have used the same technique with different questions based on the organization’s own perspectives on privacy policy. This would highlight to what extent an organization thinks the policy fulfills the user’s confidence.


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