Agenda Setting and News Framing in Ethiopian News Media

Agenda Setting and News Framing in Ethiopian News Media
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Today, we are living in a global village where the mass media are an important source of information about what is going on in the world. This is an obvious fact that the news media organizations seem more interested in some events than in others. This is widely understood and accepted that the material presented by the media organizations is selective. The study focused on the terrorism and the death of the late Prime Minister Meles, when terrorism has become one of the world’s hazardous and controversial terms we hear and use several times a day. Under the main issue of terrorism sub topic of main study is Muslim movement, press freedom and opposition political party activity. Ethiopia's Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, A commanding and compelling figure, he tended to polarize opinion. a "renaissance leader", but others regarded him as despotic and dictatorial. However he was perceived, though, Meles was hard to ignore. Meles is identity, secret of his death and leadership affiliation with east vs. west is a sub agenda of Death of Meles in the study main topic.


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