Manual of Haematology

Manual of Haematology
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Язык: Русский
Medical Lab Technology is very vital in health services. No technician should lose sight of the patient. Hence efficient and committed lab technicians play a prime role in clinical diagnosis. Demonic disease and killer syndromes challenge the advancements in biomedical instrumentation and diagnostic tools and subsequently necessitates an in-depth analysis by lab technicians. The establishment of the clinical electrocardiograph way back in 1903 by the Dutch physician William Einthoven marked a beginning of a new era in medical diagnostic techniques. Over the years, biomedical instrumentation and medical lab techniques have developed extensively as a science, both in its expanse and depth. It requires a good understanding of, the underlying maths, physics, chemistry and biology of random processes and of orthogonal transforms. A truly cutting edge is the ability to implant its various techniques in the digital domain. Our experience with our own students of medical lab technology suggests that the simplified diagnostic protocol in the text book is a critical component in determining how well medical lab technicians grasp the material – particularly for complex, multistep processes.


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