An Academic Odyssey

An Academic Odyssey
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Язык: Русский
This book is the first descriptive study on American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB), a leading private University in Bangladesh, which reviews and analyzes AIUB’s history (1994-2011) in terms of sequential advancement and corresponding timelines. The authors identified university advancements through different timelines after reviewing all historical documents as well as primary and secondary data. Subsequently, these were illustrated using six timeframes, including the number of graduates, number of faculty members, number of programs/departments launching, significant developments, number of available library publications, provided facilities in timely manner. The innovative ideas and novel approach of AIUB academic odyssey were articulated through shedding lights on the milestone achievements in terms of timeframes in this project by the authors. The findings of the study would be useful for all the stakeholders to witness numerous attainments of AIUB. This book would serve as driving force for current and prospective investors on educational institutions.


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