Management Styles, Organizational Communication & Job Performance

Management Styles, Organizational Communication & Job Performance
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This work focused on management styles and organizational communication as correlates of job performance among employees of two selected Nigerian brewing industries. The study made use of two brewing industries in Oyo and Osun States of Nigeria. The study examined the relationship among management styles, organizational communication and job performance with a view to assessing how the use of different styles of management and communication within the organization relates to the job performance of employees in the study organizations. The study established that management style and organizational communication predicted job performance. This means that as management styles describe the process by which an organization is directed, organizational communication is the medium through which it is expressed and they are related to the level, quality, and quantity of the performance employees of an organization put into their work. The study recommends that managers should ensure that work is designed in a way that improves employees’ feeling of satisfaction and commitment to the work.


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