Global Value Chains and Regional Economic Integration Development

Global Value Chains and Regional Economic Integration Development
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Язык: Русский
This paper summarizes some crucial results as presented in aid for trade–An investment benefit road map from Asian countries. We focus on topics relating to regional cooperation and integration in the areas of infrastructure and software, trade and investment, money and finance, and regional public goods. In our findings, we link resource dependence theory and economic integration model to our findings to explain why China plays an important role in Asian countries, especially in south-eastern Asia. In addition, regional economic integration through logistics, information network and connectivity improvement can increase the virtual size and amount of an economy as trade with neighboring countries increases. This leads to substantial benefits from scale, network, coordination and agglomeration economies. According to our findings, GVCDs and regional integration has captured the imagination of South Asians but the debates on identifying appropriate and effective strategies for securing this objective continue on the better condition in developing beneficial integration economic effects and we find that China takes the best scores in Asian countries.


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