Creativity and Multiple-Intelligence in Elementary Schools

Creativity and Multiple-Intelligence in Elementary Schools
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Язык: Русский
Education is the most important invention of mankind and it is vital to human life. It plays a vital role in moulding one’s personality and prepares him/her as a bonafide member of the society. This is possible only if individual’s specific talents and intelligence are identified in time and are properly nourished thereafter with appropriate enrichment programmes. The human personality consists in a harmonization of the capacities of the physical, the vital and the mental being under the guiding force of three values namely truth, beauty and Goodness, which are inherent in our deepest centre of integration. A fully developed personality manifests a progressive synthesis of wisdom, power, harmony and excellence in skills and works. The teaching-learning process should be so organized that capacities and powers of personality are constantly irrigated and nourished by the inspiring flow of values of personality. Education therefore should be regarded as the productive investment in the country’s development as well as the investment in the future. The elementary education provides insight to the children for living an efficient life and to appreciate the human values.


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