Rights and Wrongs in Social Work

Rights and Wrongs in Social Work
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Язык: Русский
In this hugely accessible new book, Mark Doel guides the reader through a proper consideration of these questions by examining the typical ethical dilemmas that challenge social workers on a daily basis. Inquisitive, probing and intellectually stimulating, Rights and Wrongs in Social Work untangles the complexity of ethics in social work and argues that, by constantly questioning our assumptions and the situations we find ourselves in, we will eventually come to a better understanding of what is right.Each chapter of the book is centred on a different real-life dilemma that social workers might face on a typical day in practice – such as relationship boundaries, confidentiality and whistleblowing. Clear and enormously readable, it uses a wealth of creative and engaging features and techniques to support learning and encourage readers to apply theory to practice, including:• A vast array of vibrant case studies and detailed practice examples• Time Boxes to link chapter topics with ethical dilemmas from history• The Big Picture sections to place ethical issues into the wider frame of public policy• Discussion of the guidance available from official codes, standards and principles, such as the IFSW/ IASSW's joint Statement of Ethical PrinciplesAn invaluable resource for students and practitioners alike, Rights and Wrongs in Social Work draws on the author's many years of experience in the field to successfully unpack the complex concepts of ethics and values in a clear, thought-provoking way.


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