Buyer behavior and post-purchase decisions towards cars

Buyer behavior and post-purchase decisions towards cars
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BUYER BEHAVIOUR CONCEPTS AND MODELS INTRODUCTION Modern marketing aims at determining the needs and wants of target markets and adopts the organization to deliver the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than its competitors. So, the study and understanding of buyer behaviour is sine qua non for any marketing programme. The study of buyer behaviour flows naturally from the marketing concepts, the idea of looking at the product from the buyer’s point of view, offering what they really want is instead of what they need. Buyer research is extremely important to marketing strategy because the knowledge of the factors that influence buyer purchases can help increase market share. If marketers have a sense of psychological and sociological factors operating on buyers, it becomes much easier for them to predict how buyers will react to new products, price changes and promotional programmes. Thus, the knowledge of buyer behaviour makes it simple to analyse the market and plan appropriate marketing strategies


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