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Скачать книгу "Macroeconomics"
Язык: Русский
Macroeconomics presents a new approach to macroeconomics, based on microeconomic foundations combined with Keynesian-style short-run policy analysis.The book features: • A pronounced international sta ...

How Theatre Means

Скачать книгу "How Theatre Means"
Язык: Русский
In this wide-ranging study, Ric Knowles demonstrates how the examination and practice of theatre is enhanced by an expanded semiotic approach.  Moving from the history and theory of performance analys ...

A Primer of Ecological Statistics

Скачать книгу "A Primer of Ecological Statistics"
Язык: Русский
A Primer of Ecological Statistics, Second Edition explains fundamental material in probability theory, experimental design, and parameter estimation for ecologists and environmental scientists. The bo ...

Shadow Economies of Cinema

Скачать книгу "Shadow Economies of Cinema"
Язык: Русский
How do people access movies today? What are the most popular and powerful channels for media distribution on a global scale? How are film industries changing in the face of media convergence and digit ...

Theatre and Prison

Скачать книгу "Theatre and Prison"
Язык: Русский
Theatre and Prison investigates how theatre-makers stage critical questions about the use of prison in society. Using examples from popular culture, dramatic texts and applied theatre it analyses how ...