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Процесс эсеров. Выпуск 2. Речи защитников и обвиняемых
Раздел: Россия в XIX - начале XX вв.
Язык: Русский
Москва, 1922 год. Издательство "Красная новь".Типографская обложка.Сохранность хорошая.Судебный процесс социалистов-революционеров проходил в Москве с 8 июня по 7 августа 1922 г. и приковал к себе вни ...
Export Development and Investment Fund: A Vehicle for Development
Раздел: Инвестиции
Язык: Русский
Ghana has set a goal of achieving a middle-income status with a quantitative benchmark of US$ 1,000 per capita by the year 2015 using export as the main spring board in realizing this vision. As part ...
Human Rights and Socio-legal resistance against Female Genital Cutting
Раздел: Международное право
Язык: Русский
Human rights-based interventions against genital cutting practices (FGC) have increasingly emphasised the need for legislation against such practices with little attention to the consequences. Accor ...
The Effect of Barkley''s Behavior Management Principles on ADHD kids
Язык: Русский
Barkley''s behavior management principles for students with ADHD developed and implemented in a second grade inclusive classroom through a system of behavior modification techniques are studied in ...
Applying Reengineering (BPR) in Public Institutions Reform in Ethiopia
Раздел: Технические науки в целом
Язык: Русский
Three years after ‘Comprehensive Public Sector Reform in Ethiopia'' the government is claiming the necessity of radical reform in 2005. There are growing quest for more responsive, reliable and adapti ...