Последние поступления

Пересекая границы между элитарным и массовым

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Язык: Русский
В представляемой вниманию читателей книге исследованию подвергается процесс осознания современными американскими авторами стремительно меняющихся контуров и границ литературы и изменение стратегий их ...

Strategic Listening

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Язык: Русский
Successful L2 listeners use metacognitive strategies more often and in more effective combinations than novice listeners. Raising learners’ awareness of metacognition and training them to self-select ...

Collaborative Verbal Interaction and L2 Lexical Development

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Язык: Русский
Building on information processing models of first language production, second language researchers conceptualized L2 learners' conversational discourse as a process of encoding, decoding and modifyin ...

Peace, Conflict and Displacement in Refugee Children's Narratives

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Язык: Русский
Peace, conflict and displacement are key issues in the world in general and in Africa in particular, where internal conflicts have torn whole countries apart. Literature as a form of human artistic ex ...

CALL HIM ISMAIL: A Postcolonial Critique of Ismail Kadare

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Язык: Русский
This book analyzes selected works of Ismail Kadare and his presence in Albanian literature from a post-colonial theoretical perspective focusing on this author’s best known novels, studies and poems. ...