Последние поступления
Restitution of Crime Victims in Nigeria
Раздел: Криминалистика
Язык: Русский
Crime is the most worrisome social problem in contemporary Nigeria. Every Nigerian and indeed every foreigner is a potential victim of crime. The recent bombing and killings of Nigerians and foreigne ...
The Right to Fair Trial in Malawi
Язык: Русский
This book discusses the progress Malawi has made since the adoption of a new constitution in 1994 in meeting constitutional and international human rights standards in three specific areas of the righ ...
Corruption Phenomenon as Incriminated by the Romanian Penal Code
Язык: Русский
The order of social phenomenon could not be modified, simply influenced by proclaiming some law, decree, resolutions, etc. Without ignoring their importance, it should be nonetheless pointed out that ...
Consumers’ right to withdraw from online contracts
Язык: Русский
In 2007 the European Commission adopted the Green paper on the Review of the Consumer Acquis, which launched a public consultation on possible improvements. The summary of responses demonstrated that ...
Механизмы планирования государственного (муниципального) задания
Раздел: Медико-биологические дисциплины
Язык: Русский
Государственное (муниципальное) задание на оказание стационарной помощи больным раком молочной железы - обновленный механизм бюджетного планирования с ориентацией на конечный результат - законченный с ...