
Whose Perspective Counts?

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Is teenage pregnancy simply problematized by outsiders or also problematic for insiders? To explore this unanswerable question, this book (1) analyzes the extent to which teenage pregnancy is perceive ...

Reproductive and Child Healthcare Practices

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Medical anthropology's biocultural approach expands the biomedical perspective that views the health only as a biological issue. Human health and disease derive from the interactions of human's biolog ...

Women Empowerment and Sustainable Rural Development in India

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Язык: Русский
The rural sector in India plays a predominant role in the development of the economy. Women in India still perform only their traditional roles in their houses and in agriculture. They do not engage ...

An Independence at the Cost of Genocide and it's Aftermath

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In every war, women are subjected to sexual violence including rape that is generally overlooked by the engaged groups, governments and international communities. Existing literature has showed how ra ...

Condom Use & Middle-Aged Women

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Язык: Русский
Why should we even study middle-aged and older women’s condom use? Several reasons exist: First, more than 25% of those who have been diagnosed with HIV are over the age of 50. This in itself should ...
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