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New Ethiopian Millennium Green Development Campaigns
Раздел: Географические науки
Язык: Русский
This book is an exceptional piece of work by revealing raw and up to date facts regarding the recent Ethiopian New Millennium Green Development Campaigns conducted in Addis Ababa at Yeka Millennium Pa ...
Urban Sprawl: Its Economic Impact On Hinterland Farmers
Раздел: Географические науки
Язык: Русский
Population induced urban expansion is a phenomenon of the study area. Due to rural – urban migration, more people are flowing to the city which makes the demand for accommodation and other infrastruct ...
Молекулярная эпидемиология M.tuberculosis, циркулирующих в Казахстане
Раздел: Генетика. Микробиология
Язык: Русский
Высокая степень заболеваемости активным туберкулезом в Казахстане, некоторых государствах Средней Азии, Молдавии и России. В Казахстане заболевание сегодня стало настоящей социальной проблемой. Только ...
Induced somatic mutagenesis in Chrysanthemum
Раздел: Генетика. Микробиология
Язык: Русский
Chrysanthemum is the world’s second most important floriculture crop in India. The world trade in floriculture is over $ 100 billion and is growing at the rate of 15% per annum. The demand of Chrysant ...
Genetics of coat colour in horses
Раздел: Генетика. Микробиология
Язык: Русский
For thousands of years horses have been linked to humankind, as beasts of burden and in war. In most recent times, the emphasis of use has been on sport and recreation. Though, the colour of horses ha ...