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Vertical Garden: Future Prespective to Save Environment

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As urbanized cities move towards a more compact growth, and land is increasingly being used for building infrastructure and housing for an increasing population, there is a need to allow nature to man ...

Usage of Facebook to Promote Library’s Services

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The study examines the usage of facebook as social networking tool in libraries. The major areas which study covers regarding facebook are the reasons for its usage or usage refusal, its usage length ...

A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Bus Transfers Synchronization

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Revision with unchanged content. As urban areas continue to grow in population and as congestion continues to worsen, future demands for transportation can only be met by an efficiently managed mass t ...

Implementation of an Online Learning Environment in a Large Classroom

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Revision with unchanged content. Dealing with classroom diversity while trying to engage students in meaningful and rewarding instructional activities has proven to be a real challenge for both resear ...

Integrated Health Management and Control of Complex Dynamical Systems

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Revision with unchanged content. Control and Health management of Human-engineered complex dynamical sys­tems are often addressed as separate issues. In this book a comprehensive control and health ma ...