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Metagenomic Studies of Bacterial Community of Marine Ecosystem
Раздел: Генетика. Микробиология
Язык: Русский
The ocean covers over 70% of the earth’s surface and contains an extraordinary diversity of life. Our interest in understanding the function of marine ecosystems has been accelerated in recent years w ...
Control of brucellosis and kinetics of immuno-allergic reactions
Раздел: Генетика. Микробиология
Язык: Русский
Brucellosis is one of the most important zoonotic diseases in our country and in many other countries. Epidemiological and bacteriological data prove the presence of this infection in all farm animals ...
Antibiotics and Probiotics
Раздел: Генетика. Микробиология
Язык: Русский
Microbes continue to cause infections and evolve into antibiotic-resistant more deadly forms. This relentless emergence of resistance cannot be arrested since organisms, by their nature, are distincti ...
Extracellular Acid Exoglucanase from halophilic fungi
Раздел: Генетика. Микробиология
Язык: Русский
Research on cellulase has progressed very rapidly over the last five decades. Now a day, majority of commercial cellulases are being produced by fungi such as, Trichoderma. However halophilic fungi ca ...
Phylogenetics of PGP Acinetobacter species from wheat rhizosphere
Раздел: Генетика. Микробиология
Язык: Русский
India is a country of agriculture however due to increasing population and loss of soil fertility; there is a strong need to obtain sustainable agriculture. One way to achieve sustainable agriculture ...