World in the East End

World in the East End
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My interest in local communities in the East End was developed during the MA London Studies course at Queen Mary University of London studying at the Geography Department 2008-2010 as a part time student while working in the heritage sector. I wanted to examine the use of oral history in documenting and recording of people lives in recent times in the East End of London. I have chosen to look at how a museum in East London uses oral history to represent individuals and local communities in the East End of London. The V&A Museum of Childhood launched a new temporary gallery telling the stories of the East End’s diverse communities. This temporary gallery was devoted to telling local stories, of children and communities of London’s East End. It opened in 2005 at the V&A Museum of Childhood to tell the childhood stories of diverse communities of East London past and present using objects, photographs, audio, film and interactive games. A temporary gallery was devoted telling stories, of children and communities of London’s East End as a World in the East End. I wanted to know if it had succeeded according to the people who were involved.


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