Workers’ Perceptions of Workplace Safety:Case study of Waha Field

Workers’ Perceptions of Workplace Safety:Case study of Waha Field
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Although more health and safety regulations are introduced every year, the number of occupational accidents within oil and gas companies is increasing. The aim of this book is to explore and investigate the current level of workplace safety in the Waha oil field from the workers’ perspective. The data was collected by means of an online survey questionnaire distributed to 41 workers, which measured their perceptions of workplace safety. Secondary data was gathered from a range of published sources relating to occupational health and safety in the oil industry, such as articles, journals, company reports and books. The secondary data was analysed to identify 1) the factors that influence workers’ perceptions of workplace safety and 2) how the safety management system in the Waha oil field might be improved. The results of the study demonstrate that 85.4% of the participants were knowledgeable about the regulations and emergency plans within the field. I recommend this book for oil industry workers and safety students.


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