Voluntary Organization In Chittoor District

Voluntary Organization In Chittoor District
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VOs can organise the rural poor for their active participation in rural development process. VOs, has been acting as a catalytic agent in rural development. NGOs have greater accountability to the poor, as they work among the poor. They have better rapport with the rural poor and sincerely devoted to the task of reducing the sufferings of the poor. The major thrust of NGOs is promotion of human wellbeing and dignity and need-based programs of community development constitute efforts and achievements. There are thousands of such small voluntary groups, unknown invisible. NGOs for cumulatively they constitute a force which makes for a healthier society. While this book revealed the involvement of VO/NGO’s and Government in poverty alleviation programmes, like women empowerment, women development, awareness and participation especially women in drought prone areas. Our study is an effort in this direction to fill this void.


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