Vital Stains

Vital Stains
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Cancer is uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancer shows various signs and symptom depending on its size and location. Whether cancer may be of any size and at any location, it is one of the most inoperable diseases known.It has a very high morbidity and mortality rate.Cause of this disease is unknown. Some say it is due to adverse habits like smoking, drinking etc, while some say it is a genetically or inherited disorder.Therefore the total cure of this disease is mandatory and is the early diagnosis of this disease.It is well said that prevention is better than cure.So to prevent the spread of cancer to a later stage we can prevent it by diagnosing it at an early stage. For this reason are the vital stains made. This book is a compilation of all commonly used vital stains,their mode of action,their application in various diseases & cancer related information.You will find it very difficult to compile the knowledge about “vital stain- an early diagnostic tool for cancer” at one place.This book gives you this opportunity so utilize it at your fullest.THANK YOU Content: Introduction Historical perspective Theories of staining Classification of staining vital stains


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