Vedic Gita -The secret of eternal Life

Vedic Gita -The secret of eternal Life
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Язык: Русский
Vedic Geeta -The secret of eternal Life explore the Vedic scientific knowledge used by Lord Krishna to satisfy the quest of archer Arjuna about the mystery of God and Soul in a scientific manner. The soul is unborn, eternal, everlasting, omnipresent, immovable, constant, and everlasting. It is beyond cutting, drying, and fire-proof. The Brahma and the individual self are the same. The God is principle of creation and life. The God - Brahma, can bestow blessings, but it can not share the sins of individual. The man is himself responsible for his actions in life, under the cycle of birth and death. It has forced the Archer Arjuna to change his one eyed decision, “ I will not fight”


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