Towards Sustainability

Towards Sustainability
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Язык: Русский
The book “Towards Sustainability: People, Forest and Tiger in Common Landscape” is a product of rigorous study and extensive experiences of the author. Landscape is being degraded and fragmented due to human and natural disturbances that force some species towards the verge of extinction. The book integrates social science, ecological restoration and biological conservation to explain the complex nexus between them in Terai landscape of Nepal. Landscape conservation is the holistic approach including social development, flora and fauna conservation and natural resource management. Hence, the book focuses on people’s attitude and perception, human intervention in forest restoration, forest management planning, and Bengal Tiger as restoration success indicator species. Various research tools such as interview, observation and surveys for information collection, and triangulated results are used to fortify the concept of sustainability of landscape conservation. This book will fulfill the gap in interdisciplinary perspective of research. It is also a valuable reference document for researchers, planners, conservationists and restorationists as well as development practitioners.


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