Tissue Culture Role in Echinacea purpurea Plant Propagation

Tissue Culture Role in Echinacea purpurea Plant Propagation
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Echinacea purpurea considered one of the most important economical plants, because of it's value as an ornamental plant and as a medicinal plant enters through many drugs especially which stimulate immune-system. From this importance we found that it’s necessary to establish a protocol for the Echinacea purpurea plant propagation in vitro, then we try to study the effect of some factors affect the active components accumulation on the plant callus as a pre-step of natural pharmaceuticals production ,those factors were like the effect of different kinds of auxins on anthocyanins pigment accumulation and concentration in callus, also Investigation the addition of different precursors on callus culture media to determine their effect on plant active components. Always scientists try to arrive to the best results which could be applied practically, at my thesis I guess it may give you the help if you will propagate the aimed plant, or if you will carry out your experiments on it or on another plant which belong to Asteraceae family. Finally I hope to find it enjoyable and useful


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