The Marriage Key and How to survive the death of a loved one

The Marriage Key and How to survive the death of a loved one
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Язык: Русский
Marriage is a well careful crafted union in which two people agree and solemnly swear before a congregation with God as the key witness, to love, to cherish and to hold each other in a happy permanent union that only death does them part from each other. Marriage is the foundation of Family life, Human multiplication and Settlement on Earth. Mere physical union cannot guarantee emotional harmony. There has to be a union of hearts and intentions. More often than not, making sacrifices for the other person is the price needed to be paid to make marriage a success. Both persons interested in each other must examine prospective mates'' goals, beliefs and attitude. Through this permanent union – marriage – family become joined to each other, to share, to assist each other and become related hence forth here in after. In this union, off springs are born who spread out their wings in marriage and birth into union that make society cohesive, solid and united through blood and marriage, just as God himself had envisioned when he brought the woman to her husband, blessed them and said: “Have many children so that your descendants will live all over the earth and bring it under control ……..”


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