The management of small and unique production series

The management of small and unique production series
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Язык: Русский
A consequence of the increasingly diversified consumer demand is expanding production of small series and unique with an increasing speed compared to mass and large mass production. Industries that dominate the production of large series and mass, are: chemical, food, energy, cars, etc., But these industries are trying to diversify their products in a range much smaller than those carrying out production of small series and unique. As can be inferred from the name of the book ”The management of small and unique production series” this paper presents the organization of an enterprise providing information and possible solutions for production management. The work is addressed generally to the firms who have turned to this type of production. In this paper are discussed some problems that are found frequently in production, and The main objective of this book is to present some ways to optimize the production process. The solutions presented consist of methods, concepts and modern tools for organizing, planning and manufacturing process control.


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