The Integration of ICTs in the Teaching of Mathematics

The Integration of ICTs in the Teaching of Mathematics
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The rate at which the ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) are introduced into the educational process is very slow in spite of the materialized high ICT investment in the sector. The purpose of this book is to investigate the factors which lead to the observed low rate of ICT adoption in the process of Math teaching in the secondary education of Greece. The use of ICT by the Math teachers is distinguished in two categories: use for the teachers’ own personal needs and use in class. By using an ecosystemic approach, the ICTs are specified as invaders into the school environment – the ecosystem – disturbing the existing balance among its elements – computer applications and teachers.The collected data were analyzed by using the Latent Variable Models. The LISREL software was used. The results show a strong two-way relationship between Math-teachers’ use of ICTs for their own needs and their use in class. “Fear” of ICT use in class, as well as teacher-collaboration, and favorable-to-ICT school environment are among the factors which affect significantly the ICT adoption in class.


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