The Effect of Domestic Violence on Personality Development

The Effect of Domestic Violence on Personality Development
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It’s easy in this life to become disappointed; in fact who hasn’t been at some point or another? Education in particular is an arena where disappointment can thrive! As an Educationist I had to learn a long time ago not to allow “disappointment” to get me down. It is all too easy to give into the “feelings” of disappointment, mainly where other people are involved (especially when other people let you down!) By measure of necessity, I learnt to get over disappointment as quickly as possible; the alternative is for un-forgiveness to set in which only taints our inner focus rendering us un-available to be useful any longer. Anyone who has ever stepped into disappointment, even if just for a single day, will be familiar with these well! In fact I doubt there is a person alive who hasn’t experienced all of them! The Great Book teaches us that there is no temptation that is not “common to all men,” making it safe to assume that anyone and everyone has tasted this “bitter-pill” called “disappointment” at some point or another! But we must avoid this at any expense because it only leads to bitterness which in turn leads to un-forgiveness which inadvertently costs us “everything.”


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