The Determinants of Resistance to Change Management Process

The Determinants of Resistance to Change Management Process
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In this paper, the determinants of resistance to organizational change are studied in view of the Lewin’s three phase model of change process. The coefficients of fifteen sources of resistance were the critical concerns & were weighed against which sources of resistance presents higher disparity of impact in the phases of the change process. 150 Questionnaires were distributed randomly in CBE, Addis Ababa. A unidirectional logit regression of odds ratio and marginal function analysis was used to get a finding that age and gender are not predictors to resistance, while education and experience are negatively and positively predictors, respectively. It is also found that a variable factor can have varied significance level in the unfreezing, moving and refreezing phases of a change process. In this regard vulnerability driven factor was the highest significant factor in the first two phases while managerial incapability driven factor in the last phase of change management process.


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