Stock Market Development and Economic Growth in Nigeria

Stock Market Development and Economic Growth in Nigeria
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Язык: Русский
This book is concerned with the role of stock market development on economic growth within the Nigerian context. The author examines the long run causal relationship between the stock market development and economic growth. Essentially the study uses the endogenous growth theory as a basis of its theoretical foundation. The study uses one banking sector variable and three measures of stock market development over the period of 1980 - 2007 The author’s findings from the study suggest that stock market development has impacted on economic growth in Nigeria. The study also finds evidence of a bi-directional relationship between stock market development and economic growth. The findings of the study support the view that stock market development and economic growth in Nigeria are complementary. The contribution of this study lies in the fact that it provides additional evidence on the ongoing debate of the impact stock markets have on the economic growth process within a specific country. This work will be of interest to people interested in stock markets, financial and economic development, time series analysis as well as African studies.


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