Statistical Suit Of Prevalence Of Colorectal Cancer In Pakistan

Statistical Suit Of Prevalence Of Colorectal Cancer In Pakistan
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Health informatics is the field that concerns itself with the information processing, and communication tasks of medical practice, education, and research, including the information science and the technology to support these tasks. but this culture does not exist in Pakistan. we explores the ideas or ways for implementation of an electronic medical record system at different hospitals of Pakistan. Statistical Suit for colorectal cancer patients record (SSCC) is introducing as a way to facilitate a centralized colorectal cancer patient information repository. Benefits realized by this system included improvements in colorectal cancer patient’s care, clinical research, and patient service and satisfaction. The tool excluded the need of statistician on routine basis in a hospital setting and the doctor have information of lengthy follow up patients, one click away. We also highlight the influence of gender and age on the occurrence of this malignancy in patients in local population by comparing analysis of the data from two largest Tertiary Care Cancer Hospital in Pakistan to give an estimate of the disease burden in heavily populated areas.


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