Social Work Practice

Social Work Practice
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Язык: Русский
Having sold over 75,000 copies across its four editions, Social Work Practice remains a trusted text for all students and practitioners. It offers essential introductory guidance for all areas of study and provides the fundamentals for understanding skills, processes and contexts of social work.This comprehensive text is divided into three easily navigable parts:• Part I guides you through the social work process, detailing each stage and offering a new chapter on reflection;• Part II introduces key methods of intervention, encompassing a broad range of theories and approaches, including new material on strengths based approaches and solution focused practice;• Part III identifies the variety of contexts in which social work takes place, with individuals (both children and adults), groups and communities.Together the three parts offer a complete foundation to every social work course, with cross-referencing and signposting allowing you to easily navigate the content.Numerous practice examples and summaries of research illustrate the discussion and extensive further resources and websites compel you to explore topics further.This is a 'must buy' text that you will return to again and again throughout your training and professional practice.


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