Role of NGO in Extension Services

Role of NGO in Extension Services
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The major strength of NGOs lies in their work for rural awareness, motivation and village Self-Help Group (SHG) formation. This has been in response to the perceived needs at several levels. The Ramkrishana Mission formed by Swami Vivekananda for the service of poorest of the poor has also emerged as the lead NGO in this regard. With this perspective, the book titled “Voluntary Extension Service: An Appraisal of Ramakrishna Ashram” is very timely and relevant one. .It is a unique publication of its kind that deals with facts & figures of NGO, concept & functions, extension impacts and encountered field constraints. Since the book deals with the tribal farmers of one the most highlighted district of Orissa i.e Kalahandi, it would serve as reference for planers, administrators, & development agents. The present volume throws light on the knowledge, attitude, and economic improvement prospects of the tribal farmers due to NGO intervention which would be of immense use for future reference and exploratory studies.


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