Plant Disease Management for Food Security

Plant Disease Management for Food Security
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Язык: Русский
The most challenging research areas of 21st century are maintaining the good environment, providing quality food and getting rescued from the environmental hazards increasing due to fast establishment of industries which in turn are also required to meet the demand of gradually expanding population throughout the world. This volume, ‘Plant Disease Management for Food Security’ embodies forty two research papers of scientists contributed throughout the country. The information on distribution, biology, epidemiology, and control of each pathogens and disease has been updated. The details of key potential diseases and their integrated diseases management (IDM) along with photographs will help the reader to identify diseases, the damage caused by them, and their natural enemies. IDM is also environment-friendly and safer for farmers and farm workers. The book is intended to serve as a text for advanced undergraduate and post graduate students of plant pathology and related discipline and as a reference source for teacher, researchers, students, technologists, extension workers, disease scouts, agribusiness personnel, and others interested in integrated diseases management.


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