Organized and unorganized sector of poultry production in India

Organized and unorganized sector of  poultry production in India
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In India, both organized and traditional systems of poultry farming are followed, but organized system is rapidly increasing due to advancement of technology, availability of resources, increased profitability and high entrepreneurship among poultry farmers. The structure of India’s poultry industry also varies from region to region. While independent and relatively small-scale producers account for the bulk of production, integrated large-scale producers do account for a growing share of output in some regions. Integrators include large regional firms that incorporate all aspects of production, including the raising of grandparent and parent flocks, rearing day old chicks, contracting production, compounding feed, providing veterinary services, and whole selling. Still the traditional backyard system is prevalent in majority cases in rural areas. The raising per capita income of consumers, vicinity of urban markets, agro-climatic conditions, availability of labour and poultry farming practices are the important reasons among others for disparity between organized and unorganized system of poultry production.


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